Happy Birthday to my beautiful firstborn baby!! Eden is 5 today!! She is going through quite the mermaid phase and insists she is tall like daddy aaaaaaaand she lost her first tooth which I am still mind blown over! She is having her “Gradulation” (graduation) on Thursday and then will be starting kindergarten next year, I just can’t even comprehend the fact that I will have a school age child! She is so excited to be getting a baby sister and I cannot wait to see how she acts around her. She gets really upset if August is in trouble or hurt, she is so nurturing, I just know she will be the best big sister (she already is) ever! She was too little to understand August coming into this world but she completely understands now and it is so fun to see her excitement. Having small children so close together is literally so much work and definitely makes me crazy but it is so incredibly beautiful all at the same time and so beyond worth. Eden loves when it is anybody’s birthday, she really has never been the jealous type, she just loves birthdays so it is so exciting to celebrate hers today! Eden, you are my little kind hearted best friend and I love you so much! Happy 5th Birthday!!!!!
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