“Life is all memory except for the one present moment that goes by so quick you can hardly catch it going.”
This quote has deeply spoken to me and it is in this quote that my new brand has been born. There are so many beautiful little moments in life that are gone so quickly – and we deserve to keep those moments in a way more tangible than just a memory. Photography allows us to do just that. In representation of the beauty of life and its precious moments, my new brand is much softer, elegant and ethereal. Much like a memory.
So…I am very excited to introduce to you Kylie Rae Photography’s BRAND NEW website and blog! If you haven’t already, go take a look at the new site! You will see a lot of images from the ethereal bohemian love shoot that I styled with the adorable and sweet couple, Austin and Michaela. They are two beautiful souls that I know from San Diego and I knew they would be perfect for the ethereal and bohemian wedding style I wanted to give my new site. Michaela is absolutely gorgeous and is easily one of my favorite people to photograph. You will see them all over my new website but here are some more images from the shoot! They are gorrrrgggggggeous!!!
Check them out below and then after go peak around at the new site!!!!!
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