This was such a fun engagement session to shoot! I mean look at these two, they are literally all smiles. I love the energy in their photos, you can totally see how happy they make each other. Also, it was soooooooooo windy and I LOVVVVVVED ITTTTTT. There is so much movement when there is wind and it is the best thing ever.
Julian is the perfect winter escape from San Diego when you start to get sick of “75 and sunny” degree weather. Only an hour away, there are pine trees, apple pies and SNOW! I was not planning on snow being on the ground and it was such an exciting bonus when I got there and saw left over white magical-ness from the last weekends storm. Also, it was freezing there. To a Floridian/ San Diegan anyway (me.) As you can see Michaela and Trevor were dressed appropriately. I however, was not. It doesn’t really matter how cold I was honestly because when I have my cameras on me and start shooting, suddenly I am not scared of any spider or snake or poison ivy bush etc and am not affected by temperatures whatsoever. I literally get adrenaline going and fearlessly can stomp through anything with toe exposed shoes and shorts and not be scared of a thing. Me when I am not at a session? Scared of every nook and cranny a spider could be hiding. Anyway, this is neither here nor there….. let’s get to Micheala and Trevor’s adorable images!! Have a look below!
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